My youngest sister has ruined her oldest son. She has also helped my daughter along the way with her drug and alcohol abuse. She has two lovely daughters whom I love to death. They are at an age that I think they could still be saved from the moron ( sister). They are 12 and 8 and she has been leaving them home alone til 5 am (all night) every weekend for about 3 years. My niece use to be a TAG (that is talented and gifted) student. Now she is barely passing the seventh grade. The moron when she does come home, drunk and coked up, keeps these kids awake all night with her stupidity that she rarely remembers in the morning. She had 3 kids by the age of 18 and two of them died in a house fire that the oldest one started. He was 3 and playing with a lighter no fault of his. He didn't know any better. When moron is being her drunken self she tells him it was his fault, and that he killed his sister and brother. She's an ass! She infuriates me. She needs help and refuses to get it. And he is paying for it. He has been in so much trouble, he'll probably be in prison within the year. That's something to look forward to at 18 years old. She never did anything to help him. She just ignored him. He was her slave and babysitter. One time my son went to her house to play with him when they were younger . He called me shortly after he got there and had me pick him up. Why? Because he said my nephew wasn't allowed to do anything. Every time they would start to play moron would have a slave chore for him. My son went there 2 or 3 times and it was always the same so he just didn't bother to go at all.
I wish there was away I could take two nieces from her. They need to be saved!! God help them.
Pardon the picture but it suits her so well!!
I wish there was away I could take two nieces from her. They need to be saved!! God help them.
Pardon the picture but it suits her so well!!
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