I was thinking this morning about my dad. As I was thinking about my life with him as a father it made me realize the best gifts god blesses us with are taken for granted. As we go through life complaining about all the little things or rejoicing over what we think are great things, the best things are usually rite in front of us. My father was a gift from God, he was not my biological father but I never knew of this until my early teens. I was young when God brought him into my life and I dont remember. Im sure he wasn't packaged in a box, wrapped in pretty paper and topped with a bow but I know and have known for years that he was the greatest gift ever given to me. This takes nothing from my mother as she means equally as much to me. But I feel that he didn't have to take care of me, he never had to treat me equally to my other siblings, he could have abused me and took things out on me but he never did. If anything sometimes I think he was better to me than the others. He spent hours upon hours teaching me things. And though he was an over the road truck driver and wasn't always here, he was always "here", a phone call away, always answered. I remember times he would walk me through things on the phone, difficult things, and if I didn't understand he would just say take it apart and remember how it came apart and just put it back together the same way it came apart. That statement means alot more than it says. To me that statement means don't be afraid to try to do things. Just do it if it doesn't work, oh well you tried. He would talk me through specific things but in doing so I was learning about life. Who new step by step instructions on changing a water pump on an old Peterbuilt semi truck would teach me to do things for myself and not to be afraid to do so.
So all in all thank you God for the greatest gift I have ever received. I can honestly say I loved it.
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