Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Unintensionally avoiding simple

Mr. Simple and I haven't seemed to cross paths as much as I would have liked.
With my class reunion coming up my best friend and I spent most of the day Friday shopping and getting hair and nails done. By the time we were done it was time for me to go to work (I am a third shifter)

On Saturday I slept until 1 and when I got up I realized I forgotten to get a bra to wear with my dress and it took most of the day to find it. I got home about 3 30 and showered and was ready for the reunion by 5. My bf and her husband picked us (yes the boyfriend went) up and we were there by 6 10. It was actually a pretty good time. There were still some of the same clicks but for the most part it was a good night out.

Sunday was spent recovering from Friday night.

Monday I did clean my room and drag a few things out of the drawer to get rid of. So that was a slight glimpse of Mr. Simple. I must try harder to get to know this person.

Does anyone notice that I avoid the subject of the boy friend. I think its because one, I don't have time to write it all, two, I'm not sure I'm ready to talk about it, or three I don't want to face the reality of it. If I write it all out and read it to myself I may have to face it. UGH!!!

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